The recommended following distance for drivers is three seconds. Distances shorter than this are generally considered to be tailgating. Tailgating can be either deliberate or accidental, but it is dangerous in both instances.
Why is tailgating so dangerous?
It leaves less time to react
Reaction times are an essential part of safe driving. Drivers with sufficient time to react can prevent accidents from occurring. For instance, someone observing the safe following distance can usually brake in time should they need to.
Tailgating reduces the time a driver has to react . A tailgater may not have enough time to get out of the way or brake before hitting the vehicle in front.
It can frighten drivers
Having a car directly behind you can feel intimidating. It may result in the driver in front taking their eyes off the road, speeding up and making other errors. When a driver feels intimidated, a crash is much more likely to occur.
It increases the chance of multi vehicle accidents
One of the most dangerous aspects of tailgating is that it increases the chance of multi vehicle accidents. A crash stemming from tailgating can create a domino effect, with multiple vehicles being involved. These types of crashes are more likely to result in serious injuries and fatalities.
Tailgating also increases the likelihood of road rage incidents, which have seen a rapid rise in recent years. While tailgating doesn’t always stem from aggression, this is often the case.
If you were injured by a tailgater, you may be able to hold them to account by pursuing personal injury compensation. Seeking legal guidance will help you find out more about this.