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Why do people cause wrong-way accidents on the interstate?

On Behalf of | Jan 8, 2025 | PERSONAL INJURY (PLAINTIFF) - Motor Vehicle Accidents

On small city streets, wrong-way accidents sometimes happen simply because people get confused. A young driver may think that a one-way street actually allows two-way traffic and turn in the wrong direction before realizing their mistake. A GPS device with outdated maps may instruct someone to turn the wrong way down a one-way street that was previously a two-way road.

Some of the most severe wrong-way accidents occur on interstates. These can be harder to understand. After all, it’s not possible to make a simple mistake and end up driving the wrong way on an interstate. The driver would have to use an exit ramp as an on-ramp, drive past numerous wrong-way signs, and somehow not notice that traffic is moving toward them instead of with them.

But as much as the road design itself seems like it should prevent these mistakes, statistics show that wrong-way accidents still happen. In fact, these accidents are often fatal because they occur at such high speeds. So what causes them?

Impaired driving

The problem is that road design can’t keep drivers safe if they are impaired. If a driver has been using drugs or alcohol, they may become confused about which ramp to use or fail to notice wrong-way signs. They’ll make mistakes that a sober driver would never make. Reports show that the majority of wrong-way crashes are caused by drunk drivers.

This means you always face some level of risk. Statistically, interstate travel is safe, but you could still be injured by a driver who is under the influence. If this happens to you, make sure you know how to seek financial compensation for medical bills and other costs.